It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

Ahhh, can you believe that Christmas is literally right around the corner?! I honestly can't. 

It seems as though just last week I was cosying up on the sofa with my make-shift family in London for a roast lunch before heading off to cover night shift at work so my other colleagues could at least see their families over the holiday. But here we are, back in Oz, for what is already a bloody hot December and lead up to Christmas. 

There is so much to love about this time of year that I thought I'd share with you all my favorites!

Favorite Christmas movie: The Santa Claus 2

Favorite Christmas carol: Silent Night

Favorite Christmas song: So This Is Christmas

Favorites Christmas tree decoration: Sparkly tinsel

Favorite thing about Christmas dinner: Chocolate ripple cake

Favorite thing about the lead up to Christmas: Christmas light looking drive-by's

Favorite Christmas present you ever received: Money specifically for travelling

Favorite Christmas memory: Family backyard cricket matches

If you liked this make sure to let me know! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy spending time and sharing gifts with your nearest and dearest. 

All my love and best wishes over the holiday season, Jem. x