Summer Loving

While most people have been back at work since New Years, I'm one of the lucky ones who have been enjoying my summer holidays while they lasted. My family and I went on our annual trip to a little coastal town called Marlo in Victoria, Australia. 

All I did was relax, have a few too many glasses of wine and one too many jugs of a cocktail called sunken humps that does nothing other than knock you for six, soak up the sunshine while it was out, go shell searching with my best friend Daisy, read more books than should be considered normal for a two week time gap, laugh until my stomach hurt and watched beautiful sunsets almost every single day. Jealous yet? You should be. 
I know that I should have been taking way more pictures to make sure you all could have suffered from some serious 'fomo', but honestly I just forgot and was enjoying myself too much to care. So here is a couple of photos that I actually did manage to take. 


What is your ultimate summer destination? Let me know in the comments below. Love always, Jem x